John & Tanya James
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Meet John & Tanya

John James former Newsboys co-founder and lead singer together with his wife Tanya James, recording artist are both motivational speakers.
Today God is using this powerful couple as a wonderful team for His glory.With a heart, passion and love for the Lord, God is using their lifelong testimony to inspire the Local Church with their devotion to God and their responsibility to live a life worthy of the calling we all have received.From a platform in local church's, conferences, men's and ladies' events, youth rallies, drug and alcohol recovery meetings and school assemblies, the message of the Kingdom of God is boldy preached and lives are being impacted. Isaiah 57:14Build up, build up, prepare the road! Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people.

Recent BIG News
Dear Friend
I want to sincerely and humbly thank you all for your incredible support with the NEW ALBUM
God of the Second Chance.
It is still so surreal for me this amazing journey to make the album and I want to honor God for His incredible strength to do the very think I never though possible, to sing again after leaving the Newsboys over 27 years ago.
We are hoping to start dropping free tracks online by the end of January and will start manufacturing CD's also to give away for free everywhere we speak.
Once again thank you all for being apart of this journey